Sunday, 19 October 2008

Let's plan

Hi Everyone
Following our meeting on Friday I'd be interested to know if anyone has had any more concrete ideas about what we should do on Saturday?
So far we've got Esther being responsible for some kind of warm up and we've got TTFB's video playing on the monitor in the south gallery.
I like the idea of making the whole evening very participatory to everyone who is there. I'll continue to think. Also have asked 2nd year CFAP students for their involvement, if they are interested.
Also, how about each of you sending in a pic to go on the collective protest banner that is being made in Fabrica by volunteers, myself and anyone who wants to get involved.
You can drop a picture in by hand or email one to:

1 comment:

White Night 2008 said...

Hi there

i personally think that if we are going to stick with a debate we should decide firstly what to debate and then decide the format later, as we might be restricted in making/collecting props because of time, but as we've seen by Friday's example we can obviously have a reasoned and involved discussion with just some people and somewhere to discuss.

Or something.
